Wednesday, May 30, 2018

God's Grand Plan

God's Grand Plan

The one who stands across forever,
…from time of old His work began, 
bids all those come to Him, whomever,
…Life and love His brilliant plan,
Souls and hearts that hurt wherever,
…as light and life came, then came man,
His power and strength a mighty endeavor,
…the image of God on man was scan
His grace and love and mercy forever!
…He blessed this life by a mighty hand.

But man deceived, he fell from grace,
…needs a costly plan of righteousness,
which then began that dreadful race, 
…the Son in babe, such holiness.
of death for man does ever chase.
…On a cross He died in loneliness.
of crushing Satan and death’s disgrace.
…A life so pure, He’s forever, yes!!
His Love overcame with infinite grace!
…Death could not hold in lifelessness.

He rose from death and conquered all,
…For love and life through Him are ours,
and crossed the chasm of our great fall.
…From Him who rules and owns all powers,
With death in hand His great forestall,
…The creator of all the sun lit flowers.
And back to him is His loving call!
…New life to us His love empowers!
We’re all astonished in wonder and awe!
…In heavenly mansions, and majestic towers! 

His life He gave to end our strife.
His treasures now on us run rife,
Brilliant and pure, our new afterlife!
Jesus, the way, the truth, the life!

John 17:1
When Jesus had spoken these words, 
he lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said,
“Father, the hour has come; 
glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you,..."