Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Godly Mothers

Godly Mothers

Who taught us to love God and each other?
Many of us can say it was our mother.
The Bible tells us of Godly mothers too.
Look into the Bible and consider a few.

The virgin Mary lived a long time ago.
She gave birth to Jesus when He came below.
Among women, she was blessed above others.
Truly she was favored among mothers.

When Jesus was dying for our sin,
He spoke of his mother to John then,
And He left His mother in John's care.
He was concerned about her welfare.

Paul wrote to young Timothy in a letter,
Saying how Timothy's faith was better
For Grandmother Lois and Eunice, his mother
Had taught him to love God and one another.

Hannah was barren and prayed for a son.
God answered her prayer and gave her one.
She promised to give Samuel to God one day,
So she brought him to the house of God to stay.

Every year as Samuel grew more and more,
Hannah made a little coat, which he wore.
Samuel bacame a prophet for the Lord.
Having a Godly son was Hannah's reward.

Godly mothers who live for God each day
And follow God's plan along the way
Will rear their children for the Lord.
Godly children will be their reward.