Monday, January 1, 2018

Start The Year With God

Start The Year With God

The old year has come and gone.
A new year is now in sight.
We make New Year's resolutions.
We desire to do what is right.

Wanting to make self-improvement
Is admirable on everyone's part,
But as you start this new year,
Do you have Jesus in your heart?

We desire to improve ourselves,
But it's hard to do it on our own.
If we have help from the Lord,
We will not have to do it alone.

Jesus came to earth to die for us.
He shed His blood for all men.
If we accept Him as our Savior,
He will forgive us of our sin.

Accept Jesus as your Savior now
And start the new year with God.
Then live for Him and do His will
While on this earth you trod.