Monday, December 18, 2017

Real Christmas Peace And Joy

Real Christmas Peace And Joy

Many have lost the meaning of Christmas
All across America, our dear nation.
They would like to leave Jesus Christ
Out of their Christmas celebration.

Commercialism says spend thousands,
And then you can have Christmas joy.
We feel like our dear precious child
Must have the latest, popular toy.

Everybody should love their children.
Giving them gifts is good and fine.
To know the true meaning of Christmas
Should be a goal for your kids and mine.

We don't have to compete with the world
To have a joyous Christmas season.
By putting Christ first in our Christmas,
We can celebrate for the right reason.

We can have peace and Christmas joy,
And it doesn't have to come from a store.
If we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts,
We can have inner peace forever more.