Wednesday, July 26, 2017

To Bliss or Woe a Soul Must Go

To Bliss or Woe a Soul Must Go

Have you ever sat and wondered;
Seriously thought on; pondered
What awaits our souls immortal
Beyond death's veiled, obscure portal?
We've one life only; then we die -
Reincarnation is a lie.

Heaven and hell truly exist -
God's Word is crystal clear on this.
One is Above and one below;
To bliss or woe a soul must go.
Once the silver cord is cut
The way back is forever shut.

Those trav'ling on the broader way
Will find that they have debts to pay.
Satan will claim them as his own -
In utter darkness they'll be thrown;
A fiery pit most foul and deep
Where they will gnash their teeth and weep.

Those following the narrow Way
Will have no debt at all to pay
Since Jesus Christ has done so in our stead
When He hung upon the Cross and bled.
We are the branches; He's the Vine
Who bought us with His Blood divine

If Christ our Saviour we hold dear
Death and beyond we need not fear;
He saved us from the flames infernal
Loves us - gives us life eternal.
He will claim us as His own
And give us heaven as our home.