Monday, July 17, 2017

Alive, I'm Alive

Alive, I'm Alive


Alive, I'm alive,
dead to transgression and sin
I'm alive, I'm reborn
now that Jesus lives within.

I'm alive, I'm flourishing,
I'm eternally bound
I'm alive, I've been lost
But, now I'm thankfully found.

I'm alive, I'm at peace,
in Jesus, I am forgiven
I'm alive, forever more
A new life I've been given.

I'm alive, I'm thriving,
His Spirit is breathing in me
I'm alive, everlastingly blessed
now that Jesus has set me free.

Alive, I'm alive,
by grace and grace alone
I'm alive, and I'm waiting
for, Jesus to take me home!
Luke 15:32

"It was right that we should make merry 
and be glad, for your brother was dead 
and is alive again, and was lost and 
is found.'"