Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Don't You Hear God's Echo?

Don't You Hear God's Echo?

Don't you hear God's echo,
throughout the world today?
Telling those who will listen,
to turn and come His way.

Don't you hear the vibration,
of the warning signs abound?
Giving man another chance,
to turn his life around.

Don't you hear the clamor,
coming off the wailing wall?
Weeping with the purpose,
to receive the anointed call.

Don't you hear the rumble,
as the earth begins to shake?
Trying to get our attention,
to enter through His gate.

Don't you hear the roar,
in the waves upon the shore?
Crashing down around us,
declaring God we can't ignore.

Don't you hear God's echo,
in the thunder up above?
Rebounding with an invitation,
to accept His gift of love!