Thursday, January 12, 2017

In Its Wake

In Its Wake

Death can come as a thief in the night
Stealing your dreams then taking flight
You can know it's imminent in its quest
And it always, but always, takes one from the nest

It always leaves sorrow and grief in its wake
Even when it seems best for your loved one's sake
There is nothing you can do to hide from it's sting
Except looking forward to what heaven will one day bring

For when you become a child of the king
To His promise of eternal life you can cling
So as you work your way through the maze of grief
Knowing your loved one is in heaven is such a relief

The dear Savior from above, your burdens He will take
He will light your path as your way you make
For He understands the sufferings of your heart
And how very much you miss your loved one while you're apart.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless