Thursday, January 5, 2017

Faith for the Climb

Faith for the Climb

Dark clouds are forming once again
To hide the lofty mountain top
And as I climb its timbered slope, 
I feel a tiny, falling drop.

The rain has come to raid my hope
Of finding refuge from the storm.
Yet as I scale the mountain's height,
Sweet words of scripture start to form.

The Word of God reveals insight;
Gives wisdom and encouragement
As those dark clouds up in the sky
Soon fail in their discouragement.

Oh look upon the mountain high
And know our hope is not from there
And lift your hands in joyful praise
Because our God is everywhere!

He watches us throughout our days
And comforts us within the night;
He will not slumber, will not sleep,
For we are lovely in His sight.

The One who calls from deep to deep
Firmly stands before the door
And we are safe within His keep
Both now and then forevermore.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless