Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Love was shown

Love was shown

What's love been reduced to huh?
It leaves as fast as it comes.
Where's the pain in it now?
Where is the sacrifice?
To be honest, this isn't love,
Just mere pleasure
Why these people gaining 'joy'
In all these false treasures?

Love isn't this feeling or emotion.
It's a choice to pour your heart out.
All the time and everytime.
Even when it's hurting.
You can keep yourself closed.
You can turn cold.
Lock your heart in a box.
In safety, where it grows old.

But trust me, it's not worth it
Love's something I didn't deserve.
Yet I was given it
That's why I write these words.
Love breeds forgiveness
That too I was shown
Even amidst my imperfection
He made his love known.

Honestly, it's easy to be hard,
But harder to be vulnerable.
Easier to not care
Than show that you do.
The ultimate example of this?
Jesus on the cross.
And whatever I may lose now.
I don't count it as loss.