Sunday, August 6, 2017

Words Are Free

Words Are Free

My words are free before I know
And now I want them back.
My tongue is quick, my will is slow
When senses leave the track.

I see the hurt within your eyes
And know I can’t erase
The pain induced by words unwise
And speech devoid of grace.

For words are free, but cost so much
when freely given reign.
Our words can bring a healing touch
or cut to deeper pain.

I wish to span this rift I formed
And pray we won’t relive.
I’m sorry now emotions stormed.
I beg you, “Please forgive!”

The only hope we have is love,
An everlasting bond.
This hurt, I pray, you’ll let go of
And we can move beyond.

For words are free before you know
And you can’t take them back.
Your tongue is quick, your will is slow
When senses leave the track.