Thursday, July 6, 2017



Oh mirror, mirror on the wall,
I see a battle raging in
This helpless fool about to fall;
I see him stumble after sin.

I see the weakness in his heart;
A darkness snuffing out the light.
I know someday the clouds will part
And end his painful, ceaseless fight.

Dear mirror, mirror look away
So I won’t see this broken soul.
He seeks to hide his life’s decay,
For sin has claimed a costly toll.

Why don’t I turn the lighting dim
So I won’t see this wretched slave?
I cannot see a hope for him.
It seems he’s too far gone to save.

So mirror, mirror is this true?
Oh, can I truly trust my eyes?
I see what seems a tainted view;
I wonder if you’re telling lies.

I see this sinner looking back
With eyes distorted by his shame.
You feature only flaws and lack.
I see you pointing, casting blame.

Oh mirror, mirror I can tell
You’re showing me an image of
A man who hasn’t done so well,
But you’re forgetting Jesus’ love.

This man I see with furrowed brow
Is covered by a mere façade.
I cannot comprehend it now,
But he’s a holy child of God.