Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Road To Calvary

The Road To Calvary

The Bible is an atlas
and the verses are a map
that shows each person
exactly where they're at.
Don't take a detour,
no telling where they'll lead
for there aren't any detours
on the road to Calvary.

Jesus is the bridge
that connects us to our God
and He walked the trail
that you and I have trod.
He paved the way for us
by dying for our sin.
How we don't have to go
exactly where He's been.

He walked the road to Calvary
and took a trip to hell
and preached to the sinners
that had already fell.
He showed them the scars
that upon His back He bore
and those that came back with Him,
a robe and crown they wore.

Listen very carefully
for now it's time to go.
Jesus loves you more 
than you will ever know.
Follow the map 
that He left for you and me,
for there aren't any detours
on the road to Calvary.