Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Joyful, Thankful Heart

A Joyful, Thankful Heart

Lord, a joyful, thankful heart,
I bring to Thanksgiving's table
a soul that is forever grateful
for all that, You are able.

You make my plate complete,
when from Your Word I reap
the full bounty of Your grace
and in Your kindness I do steep.

You fill me with such peace,
and Your tender mercies overflow
Your love fills me to the brim
and Your compassion for me I know.

You supply all my needs,
and bless me with even more
You fulfill my every dream
with promises of life - evermore.

Lord, a joyful, thankful heart,
I bring to You - not just for today
a soul full of hope and gratitude 
for all You've done along the way!
Jan bagwell 
God Bless
Colossians 3:15

"And let the peace of God rule in your
hearts, to the which also ye are called 
in one body; and be ye thankful."