Monday, October 31, 2016



L is for the loyalty you have for Father above
And it stands for the legacy of His amazing love
O is for the only Savior who can make a Saul into a Paul
And it stands for His omnipotence; The Lord over us all
V is for the vindication He gives through Jesus on the cross
And it stands for victory for we all will not be lost
E is for the earthly form in Jesus Christ His son
And it stands for everlasting; the Father's will be done

Put all the letters together to spell love
Sent straight to us from our Father above
Love others as we love ourselves is the greatest command
Just as Jesus loved us as part of the Master's plan
Love is the greatest of faith, hope, love, and charity
Love is the very basis of Christianity

You can't be a Christian with no love to impart
Not when God, the very essence of love, lives right within your heart!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless