Monday, October 24, 2016

The Song of Jesus

The Song of Jesus
A rhapsody of love so dear,
It makes the Angels cry.
A song about a perfect King,
Who chose for us to die.

A tender tune that lifts the soul,
Sweet harmony so true.
Of one who walked an earthly path,
Just for me and you.

The steady drum of a warrior's heart,
Beat within this gentle man.
He sang the solo in this song,
Conducted by His Father's Hand.

The melody turned haunting,
When He lay upon the tree.
The timpani of the hammer,
Played out in three part harmony.

Resounding peals from crystal bells,
Rang out from that battered cross.
To signify Our Savior's tears,
As He bled for the souls of the lost.

A mighty King sang a loving song,
His tender notes bring us grace.
Listen for His symphony in the wind,
No other can take it's place.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless