Monday, October 17, 2016

Hamster's Wheel

Hamster's Wheel

This world's a spinning hamster's wheel;
Around, around, around we go.
Go here, go there, we're running still
And chasing after . . . who can know?

We have a goal to get there soon,
With blinders down we race ahead.
Must hurry faster, almost noon;
So much to do before we're dead.

So still we tread the spinning wheel,
An aimless course, in vain we raced.
But we proclaimed, "My right, my will"
While chasing doom with endless haste.

So pause, slow down and take a breath;
Take up the reins to slow your zeal.
So little time before your death;
To know He's God, you must be still.
Jan Bagwell 
God Blesss