Thursday, October 13, 2016

Savior of the Skies

Savior of the Skies

A stunning painting strokes my eyes
In my heart I came to realize
When God reveals Himself to me
This beautiful sky is what I see.

I stop and stare breathlessly
Inhale His Spirit, I am free
Come to me my Savior please
I pray to You on bended knees.

Clouds float by a hazy blue
Fills my heart with thoughts of You
Your creatures amble slowly by
A tear falls down when I sigh.

Through the trees horses graze
With the little one a mother plays
She lifts her head and looks my way
Another painting strokes my eyes today.

Nothing in this world I could do
Prepares me for this love from You
Every moment shared in sweet delight
Once again I'm captured by the sight.

Oh my Lord, my Savior of the skies
Decorates the fringe where heaven lies
I will sing to You a song of praise
Remembering this time for all my days.

Nothing in this world I could do
Prepares me for this love from You
Every moment shared in sweet delight
Once again I'm captured by the sight.

Oh my Lord, my Savior of the skies
Decorates the fringe where heaven lies
I will sing to You a song of praise
Remembering this time for all my days.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Psalm 19:1 
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.