Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Dress for Success

 Dress for Success

Did you know we believers are in a war? 
Our enemy is vicious, not one to ignore.
In order to triumph in this test, 
Let's check out the manual to dress for success.

We buckle on the belt of truth;
Works best if we wear it from our youth.
The breastplate of righteousness does its part 
Providing protection to the heart.

Fitted with peace, our feet are ready 
To stand strong in battle or stand steady.
The shield of faith provides protection 
When arrows are fired from every direction.

Our minds we protect from evil temptation 
By putting on the helmet of salvation.
We pick up the fearsome Sword of the Spirit 
So lethal to demons they won't come near it.

This is how we dress each day, 
But before we head out, we stop to pray.
We exalt our God with prayers and praises 
Trusting His guidance in all its phases.

There's coming a day when we'll battle no more, 
But until then we fight in this war.
The armor, the weapons and giving of thanks 
Help us defeat the enemy's ranks.

So get up tomorrow; be ready to fight, 
Put on the armor; go forth in God's might.
Soon our Lord will call us up higher, 
But the devil will land in the Lake of Fire.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Ephesians 6:13-18