Monday, September 12, 2016

Just Driving Down the Street

Just Driving Down the Street

Today, driving down the street
And noticed a person...

Her gait? Slow
She was a little overweight
Her eyes looked down, below
Her smile? Crooked not straight

She? Like all the millions
Unnoticed! Untouched! Unredeemed!
But where are the stallions?
And why are there so many not queens?

And he was a bit odd
Awkward in any group situation
His social graces flawed
Being common not of stately coronation

He? Like all the millions
Unnoticed! Untouched! Unredeemed!
But where are the stallions?
And why are there so many not queens?

But there is one above
Who made all, even those not esteemed
And He looks down with kindly love
For it is the meek, the ungainly, the first redeemed

So what is your judgement, oh man!
And why look down on these so mean
For He has made them and only He can
Place in eternity above, over and between!

And so today I was driving down the street
And whom should I come across
And whom should I meet?
But a Queen and her Stallion!
And I just smiled at all my fortune
To meet one of the King's medallion
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Psalm 17:14, 15
"...and I, in righteousness, I will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness."