Wednesday, July 20, 2016

How Do You Know God Loves Us?

How Do You Know God Loves Us?

Just the other day I heard a little boy ask
How do you know God loves us, as his mom's hand he clasped
His mommy said, have you seen the pretty setting sun
And the bright orange glow as a new day has begun

Look at moonbeams dancing across the pond
And the shooting stars out in the dark beyond
See the flowers that clothe the world
All of God's beauty that is unfurled

Look at your puppy who playfully yips and barks
Listen to the song of the meadow larks
Watch gentle snowflakes as through the air they fly
And see a color filled rainbow across the sky

Feel daddy's loving arms hold you tight
Hear me whisper, I love you with all my might
See your mommy’s and little sister at play
And see the closeness of our family as we kneel to pray

God gave us His creations from up above
Through His awesome glory and His amazing love
Everything on this earth He created out of love for you and me
Our families and friends, a gentle touch, kind words and all the beauty that we see!

It all says I love you so very very much
Every hug and encouragement you hear is part of God's touch
You never ever have to doubt God's love for you
For everywhere you look, His love comes shining through!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless