Monday, May 30, 2016

The other side Grace

This isn’t death, it’s glory!
It isn’t dark, it’s light;
It isn’t stumbling, groping
Or even faith, ---- it’s sight!

This isn’t grief, it’s having.
My last tear wiped away.
It’s sunrise, it’s the morning
Of my eternal day!

This isn’t even praying,
It’s speaking face to face;
It’s listening, and it’s glimpsing
The wonders of His grace.

This is the end of pleading
For strength to bear the pain;
Not even pain’s dark memory
Will ever live again.

How did I bear the earth life
Before I came up higher,
Before my soul was granted
It’s every deep desire.

Before I knew this rapture
Of meeting face to face
The One who sought me, saved me,
And kept me by His grace!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !