Tuesday, May 17, 2016

My Fathers Garden

My Fathers Garden

I love to spend time in Your garden
Where the skies are always so blue
Every rose blooms to perfection
Your light ever shining so true

I love the smell of Your flowers
Their scent is so heavenly
Everyone of Your creations
Is a pleasure waiting for me

I love to touch the petals
Of every flower that You put there
I marvel at Your greatness
Your love grows everywhere

Everything You've done my God
Has proven Your love for me
You give to me such beauty
I need only open my eyes to see

Let me never forget Your Perfection
Or fail to treasure You gifts
May I always proclaim Your wonders
Through You my soul shall lift

I can walk with You in Your garden
And know that Your stand beside me
I can share with You my joys and my fears
And know that Your love lets me free
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !