Monday, May 2, 2016



I cannot eat, I cannot sleep
I cannot bear a son
They laugh at me, they mock me
They say behold, the barren one

I cannot hide the tears by day
My grief adds to their flow
The bitterness in my soul
Never ceases, it only grows

Lord of Hosts, please hear my prayer
The words I speak are true
If you will give a son to me
I'll give him back to you

When Hannah silently prayed to God
She poured out all her cares
At God's Sovereign Mercy Seat
She left her burdens there

God's joy then filled her spirit
For a son she'd no more plead
For she had reached the place in life
Where God was all she'd need

But the story goes on, we know it well
God said "Yes" to Hannah's prayer
Nine months later, a baby boy
Was placed within her care
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!