Wednesday, March 23, 2016

That Beautiful Land Called Heaven

   That Beautiful Land  Called Heaven

I read of a land more fair than this,
    It’s free from sin and shame ,
It is a land of perfect bliss ,
    Where none are sick or lame .
It is a land forever free
     From disappointed sad ;
Where all the saints in love agree
     In things that make them glad .
It is a land where strife will end ,
     Where greed and pride will cease ,
Where all will join in heart and hand
     In universal peace ,
It is a land of true success ,
     Where all are doing well ,
Where all rejoice and praise the Lord ,
     Who saved their souls from hell.
It is a land of no regrets
      That cast their shadows round .
It is a bright and happy land .
       In which no clouds are found .
The unkind word will never sting
       Within this land above ,
For all will speak like Christ their King ,
      The King of peace and love .
Here broken hearts will all be healed ,
      And friends will part no more .
Eternal joys are here revealed
     On those celestial shores .
Through countless ages onward roll ,
     Its pleasures never cease .
Then let the Christ into your soul,
     And share His eternal peace .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !