Thursday, February 18, 2016

Heaven's Glory

Heaven's Glory

When I wake up in Heaven
What a grand day that will be,
Oh to be with Jesus
So happy and so free.
My ole bodies free from pain
Forever young renewed,
This Kingdom's beyond glorious
I can't wait to share with you.
The flowers and the landscape
Such beauty none compared,
Bright colors and such fragrance
Just permeate the air.
It's like Jesus takes
Your heart's desire,
Multiplied galore
And designs this majestic dwelling
That fills you more than full.
Oh to be around the throne
Resounding praise to Christ our King,
My heart explodes w/loving joy
Glorious for all eternity.
I wish you'd hear the music
It seeps into the deepest part
Of my heart, my soul, my mind,
And fills me with the deepest joy
A heart will ever find.
The crystal sea is marvelous,
We swim... so pure, so free.
Oh to share such marvels,
My loved ones, please do see.
Open up your hearts to Christ
So forever together, we'll be.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Happy Is This Soul This Morning
(Psalm 143:8)