Monday, December 26, 2016

A New Years Prayer

A New Years Prayer

Today is the day for all things New.
Just like each morning brings the fresh dew.
Today is the day the new year begins.
We make resolutions we gather with friends.

We make many promises we'll never keep.
These are the words we often speech.
I'll go to the gym, I'm going to lose weight.
I'll give up smoking, I'll find a new date.

But there is one who truly gives a fresh start.
He does more than that he transforms hearts.
He forgives our mistakes, he washes them away.
He hung on a cross, so we wouldn't have to pay.

He gives forgiveness and wants nothing in return.
His friendship is a gift, it can not be earned.
So make this year be different, begin it with Him.
His name is Jesus, welcome him in.

Into your life Jesus brings cheer.
A new creation you will be this year.
For family & friend who don't know him this day.
I lift you up, this is what I pray.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless