Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Changed by God

Changed by God

Look at me he thought, spreading his
wings and preparing to fly,
I have been changed, for no longer a
lowly caterpillar am I.
Transformed from a crawling creature
into beauty for all to behold,
A display of brilliant colors that
light makes bright and bold.

Life is different since I am changed
from the old to the new,
Such as places I go and doing things
that once I couldn't do.
Up, out of the dirt and grime into a
breath of fresh air,
Able to overcome obstacles I'd faced
that are no longer there.

From a caterpillar into a butterfly,
a miracle only God can perform,
An undesirable creature enters a nest
and a thing of beauty is born.
God The Creator, The Master of changes,
able to change what He's created,
Changing people and situations through
the ages as His Word has stated.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless  !

As He changed the caterpillar's looks,
so can He change man's heart,
By lifting him out of the sinking sea
of sin into a brand new start.
His appearance will not likely change,
yet a difference should be seen,
This'll be the presence of God giving
his light a much brighter beam.