Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Glory Above All

Glory Above All

God became man, incarnate Son
Gave up the rights of deity
Stepping down from heaven's throne
Putting off Your majesty

Knowing sorrow every day
As You walked this dreary earth
Seeing as we turned away
The very One who gave us birth

Man of sorrows, man of grief
Every day weighed down with pain
And though You knew what was to be
You determined to remain

Your love required You to bear
Excruciating agony
A suffering beyond compare
As You bore our sins on the tree

But however great Your purpose was
In sending Jesus to atone
Your glory rises above all
The glory that is Yours alone

All thoughts of us, though great and sweet
Were secondary in intent
Your first concern, Lord, was not me
Your glory is preeminent

You came to seek and save the lost
As a means to this great end
Your Father's glory uppermost
Your Father's Kingdom to extend

So in the cross Your glory shines
Which every eye at last will see
A glory, gracious and sublime,
That's Yours for all eternity.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless