Thursday, November 5, 2015



Every time the gospel of the kingdom is preached for a witness, the end time draws a little more near,
So we must preach the gospel with words and deeds three-hundred and sixty-five days a year.

Heavenly Father, remind us to bear witness of the great Light, as Jesus' soon coming draws near.
Help us to exercise our faith in You, as the Holy Spirit draws to us a precious heart that is dear.

Help us to remember to smile and to show kindness to everyone we see today,
So that when people see our walk, they can say that we are walking the right way.

Oh Holy Spirit, guide us as we go into the field today to tell someone the words of God, words that they need to hear,
While preparing their hearts to receive God's word, while calming ours and their fears.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless