Thursday, October 1, 2015

Five Minutes After I Die Saved

Five Minutes After I Die Saved
Loved ones will watch for the latest breath ;
Tenderly care for the dust of death ;
Joyously speak of the victor’s wreath ,
Five minutes after I die .
Faces of saints who have gone before ;
Anthems of praise on that golden shore ;
Jesus exalted forevermore
Five minutes after I die .
Here,as a pilgrim and stranger I’ve ranged
Staff in my hand ,to the world estranged ;
Then ,pilgrim days past –oh what a change !
Five minutes after I die .
Perfect the conscience that once sin stirred ;
The blood has atoned ,and its voice is heard ;
Welcomed are all who believed God’s Word ,
Five minutes after I die .
Mated for aye to heaven’s glad throng ,
Long is eternited ,but not too long –
“Praise to the Lamb once slain ,”my glad song ,
five minutes after I die .
Oh, what a prospect !The Word is true ;
Trusting the Saviour ,and born anew ,
Heaven I enter ,God’s glory to view ,
Five minutes after I die .
I am not flinging a fortune away :
I have believed in salvation’way :
God will fulfil what His Word doth say ,
Five minutes after I die .
Thanks be to Jesus for pardon free !
He paid my debt on Mt Calvary’s tree .
Paradise gates will enfold even me ,
Fives minutes after I die .
Oh marvelous grace that has rescued me !
Oh joyous moment when Jesus I see !
Oh happy day when like Him I’ll be .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless