Thursday, September 17, 2015

Who Is This Man?

Who Is This Man?

Who is this man that some revere,
While many wish Him hate?
His name it shakes the pits of hell
For even there He's great.
There is no other like Him,
No other soul so pure
The one who was, and is to come,
On that we can be sure.
His voice like many waters,
And hair as white as snow,
His eyes like flames of fire,
With their mesmerizing glow.
The Alpha and Omega,
The Beginning and the End.
The first before creation,
And the last to bring us in.
His countenance no eyes can hold,
It shines just like the sun,
The good that flowed from His great works,
Could never be undone.
That's why some of us call Him King,
And why we feel secure.
The lion of Judah has our back,
And nothing could be truer.
The Son of God has been revealed,
The mystery now done,
Crowns of gold sit on His head,
Yet He loves us every one.
Joined forever, grafted in
The Gentiles now like Jews.
Our hearts are one and spirits too,
With One King who can't lose.
The King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
He'll surely bring us home.
To worship at His feet of brass,
No deserts left to roam.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !