Wednesday, July 15, 2015

When I Exchange Life's Rugged Cross

When I Exchange Life's Rugged Cross

When I Exchange Life's Rugged Cross

When I exchange Life's rugged cross
For Eternity's crown;
When my soul is rid of sorrow
My burdens all laid down,
I will trade these rags so wretched
For a gown of Heaven's white,
And when I take the Hand of Jesus
Everything will be all right.

No more rough roads will be traveled;
No more thorns will pierce my side.
I'll be granted total healing
When all Heaven's gates swing wide!
No more poverty, or sadness,
Will have my thoughts ensnared,
For I will ever rest with Jesus
In the mansion He's prepared.

No more tears will wet night's darkness,
No more loneliness or dread;
No more fearing of the future,
Nor of what may lie ahead,
No more guilty pain of faulting,
Nor pangs of yesterday,
For I'll have reached Life Immortal
In the True and Living Way!

Earthly toil will then be ended;
No more darts by Satan hurled.
Splendid glories will all glisten
There in God's most sacred World;
Where bright streets of gold will meet me,
And "Life's Precious Gem" awaits
Amid the glimmer of all ages
Inside Heaven's Pearly Gates!

When I exchange Life's rugged cross
For Eternity's crown;
When my soul is rid of sorrow
My burdens all laid down,
I will trade these rags so wretched
For a gown of Heaven's white,
And when I take the Hand of Jesus
Everything will be all right.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
{"Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of Life!" Jesus (Revelation 2:10b)
I thanked God for the life he has given to me !
I pray for the people he has put in my Life
Lonnie Bagwell and Hazel Bagwell { my mother and dad ]
Larry Bagwell [my brother and his children Liza , Leslie and Laura
Nadine  Stvan { her children , Nyica Greg  and Warren Boatman ]
My children  David [ wife Hali] and Scott Bagwell [ Elizabeth Bagwell ]
My wonderful Grandchildren  Emily [Scott ] Halia [David]
My friends for long time , Judy Hamlin , Jimmy D Holladay , Mr and Mrs. William {Billy] and Mary Phillips ,Mr  Charles and Frankie Wilson ,