Friday, June 12, 2015

The Gospel Message

The Gospel Message

Ever thought about what happens
To your spirit when you die,
Or do you push that thought away
Not knowing the reason why?

The fear of death may bring a chill
When you think about that day.
Is there a heaven and a hell
As you’ve heard some people say?

Most of us believe we are good
Shouldn’t that carry some weight,
If it’s true we continue to live
In some new spiritual state?

Well let’s flip our good side over
And look inside once again,
At all the things we’ve done wrong.
It’s a place we know as sin.

The stain of sin soaks into our souls.
We cannot remove its mark,
And the fear of death is realized
If we die with a sin-stained heart.

But the hope of the gospel message
Is that God and His Words are true,
And He made a way to remove our sins
As only a holy God could do.

Sinless blood was the sacrifice
That was needed to set us free.
So God gave up His only Son
Crucified on a cross-shaped tree.

The birth, death and resurrection of Christ
Is the payment that was made.
We must believe this in our heart
And confess it to be saved.

God’s own nature is born in us.
Our spirit has been made new!
The fear of death has lost its power,
And heaven has come into view.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !
John 3:10 
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotton Son that whoever believes in Him should not 
perish but have everlasting life