Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Witnesses from across the vast Universe

Witnesses from across the vast Universe

I looked up at the starry heavens and could see
the galaxies proclaiming God's great majesty.
For across the whole world the shining stars declare
God's benevolence to all and His loving care.

There's no place on earth in which their voice is not heard
speaking in celestial tongues and olden word.
They tell of great distances and eons of time,
of beginnings and endings, and things so sublime.

Shining out brightly in the universe so vast,
as into my presence came light from the past
enabling me to see God’s creativity,
and to contemplate the things of eternity.

For each star in the interstellar space so bright
shone out for His Glory throughout the day and night
and unceasingly their wonderful anthems raise
singing “Glory to God” in harmonious praise.

Whenever I tune into what they have to say
I join in their praises as I walk on my way
lifting my spirit up to the heavens’ above,
and praising the Lord for His great mercy and love.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !