Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Not a word He said

Not a word He said

Before the Sanhedrin He spoke no word
and from His lips no sound was heard.
Silent as a mute not a word was said
as to the cruel cross Jesus was led.

His lips were hushed and from them came no sound
although in His defence nothing was found.
As a lamb before the shearer is dumb
so from His lips not a word was to come.

Angels awaited His commanding word,
but He did not speak and nothing they heard.
For only by silence and submission
was He to complete salvation’s mission.

Wordlessly before the rabble He stood
and only the sound of His quietness heard.
This silence, more powerful than a word
sounded so loud as though it had thundered.

Those gathered there did not understand
He kept so silent and did not reply.
Then, upon the cross His vigil He broke.
'Father, forgive them.' were the words He spoke.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please pray  for my  mother   and   Brother Steve