Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How Sampat Bought A Building

How Sampat Bought A Building

Over in the country of India,
In that land so far away,
A devoted missionary ran a home
For orphaned boys to stay.

They simply called her "Auntie,"
An affectionate name so dear.
All of these boys loved Auntie.
She made them feel happy here.

Auntie housed these orphans
In a very humble little place,
But as their number increased,
She soon ran out of space.

There was a little three-year old.
Sampat was the boy's name.
He followed Auntie everywhere,
Singing as along he came.

"Joybells In My Heart," he sang.
For visitors, he sang it well.
One visitor gave him a small coin
For singing it so very swell.

Sampat treasured the little coin,
And he carried it all day.
Even when Sampat went to bed,
With him this coin did stay.

Sampat heard that a building
Was needed for more boys to stay.
He gave his precious coin to Jesus
To buy another building one day.

Auntie knew how Sampat treasured
That little coin so small.
She wrote back to America,
Telling Sampat's story to all.

One church wrote back saying,
"Send Sampat's coin so rare,
And we will send you money
To build a big building there."

Sampat's coin bought a building
To house more orphan boys,
And someone gave some money
To buy little Sampat some toys.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !