Friday, December 4, 2015

Carols of Christ

Carols of Christ

Though I enjoy some of the jingle bell music we hear in the Christmas season,
My favorites are those carols that tell the world of the true season's reason.
The ones that put Christ in Christmas and year after year they keep Him there,
For the devil tries to take Him out and there are many who have joined his lair.

Some tell of the miracle God performed when Jesus came on Christmas morn,
For this would be the one and only time that to a virgin a child would be born.
Telling us that He was born in a lowly stable, for there was no room at the inn,
Then of wise men who came bringing gifts to the special baby that lay within.

There are carols telling about angles in heaven praising this new born King,
When they joined together and lifted up their voices to honor Him as they sing.
Others proclaim Christ to be the Savior that the old prophets had written of,
Who someday would willingly give His life for our sins, doing so through love.

If not for these old carols, some would never hear what Christmas is all about,
Because all too often when Christmas is celebrated, Christ has been left out.
Then my prayer is that they are still being sung as Jesus appears in the sky,
Reminding us, He's the reason for the season and it was for us He chose to die.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless