Friday, November 13, 2015

I Want to See My Redeemer

I Want to See My Redeemer

O saints, in the Bible we are told
In Heaven we'll walk on streets of gold.
There're gates of pearl and mansions too.
Jesus prepared places for me and you.

In Heaven, there will be no night.
Heaven is a place of continual light.
Light from the Son is shining there
In that wonderful Glory land so fair.

But if there were no streets of gold
Or gates of pearl or splendor untold,
I'd still want to go to this holy place.
I want to see my Savior's wonderful face.

I want to thank Him for saving my soul,
For keeping me saved as the ages roll.
I want to gaze upon my Savior there,
Who on the cross my sins did bear.

Thinking of Heaven, I can hardly wait
Until the day I enter heaven's gate.
Face to face, my Redeemer I'll meet.
Then I want to just sit at His feet.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless