Tuesday, October 6, 2015

His Stepping Stones

His Stepping Stones

The trees had towered high above with leaves that blocked the sun,
except sporadic points of light with rays that danced in fun,
reflecting smooth and softened light off surface they would share,
from lazy stream meandering through lush, thick grasses there.

The random, yellow flowers sprinkled down along the bank,
had framed a lovely picture 'round the stream where sparrow drank,
as ripples crossed the mirrored stream where it was somewhat wide,
before that sparrow took to flight beyond the other side,

I prayed that I might also find a way beyond the stream,
but there was no where I could cross to realize that dream.
Determined that I'd have my way, I held each leather shoe
and started wading 'cross the stream to get another view.

But splash! Face down I tripped and fell, then crawled out soaking wet.
I trudged myself downstream a bit. His truth and my eyes met.
It's 'one' to 'zero'. God has won and that's the final score.
Still soaking wet from head to toe, I started thinking more...

Sometimes through life we have no clue. I ponder as I sit -
of what God's done for me and you, just there downstream a bit.
He gives us His instruction and a 'dose of wisdom' loans -
if patient, we can't learn to be, to find His stepping stones.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless