Friday, July 31, 2015

Painful Memories

Painful Memories

For some the battle rages,
deep inside their head
where memories of the past
fill them with fear and dread.

They hold on to the picture,
that paints a horrific view
of what people once did . . .
and what they still can do.

Jesus can fix those images,
locked up in your mind
He has a brighter landscape
for you to come and find.

There you'll have a new life,
one that holds His peace
and those painful old pictures
will fade away and cease.

He uses forgiveness,
to erase those awful memories
and with His love and grace
you'll find heaven's treasuries.

For some the battle rages,
deep inside their head
but Jesus is the light . . .
that'll take away their dread!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Romans 8:22
King James Version

"For we know that the whole creation
groaneth and travaileth in pain together
until now."