Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Blessed Holy Spirit of God

Blessed Holy Spirit of God

You came to me as gentle as a dove
satisfying me with Your warmth and love
then opened my eyes and helped me to see
the wonderful love Jesus had for me.

You breathed upon me Your life giving breath
taking away from me my fear of death
then made the Word of God alive in me
guiding and controlling my destiny.

You blew around me like a mighty wind
staying beside me as my constant friend
then descended on me in tongues of fire
purifying and filling me with desire.

You came and filled me with all Your fullness
purifying me with life and wholeness.
Dear Holy Spirit of my God Most High
thank you for not passing this sinner by.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless!!
Please pray for mother ! Hazel Bagwell