Thursday, June 4, 2015



This thought has truly captured me
A thought that begs for more
That stars are actually openings
Holes in the heavenly floor.

I imagine a light shining through
As our Lord steps over a star
A momentary darkness comes, but
His shadow is not really so far.

Gazing at His incredible creation
Dazzled by the sparkling night
A brilliant white robe falls gracefully
My mind can envision this sight.

Sometimes one streaks across the sky
Leaving a trail of heavenly dew
Are there holes in the floor of Heaven?
Where His light is shining through.

Oh, millions of stars glimmer above
Where time is an endless space
Surrounded by the house of God
And a dream to touch His face.

The shadow of Him so very close
Only a mere universe away
It is just a breath to Him
A breath and maybe a day.

This thought has truly captured me
That stars are holes in the floor
Openings to our Savior's house
My heart can't conceive much more.

Lord, my eyes are lifted upward
Once again Your shadow, I see
Stepping over one last star
When at last You come for me.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !