Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hallelujah! Behold The Empty Tomb!

Hallelujah! Behold The Empty Tomb!

Jesus came to the earth to die.
On a cross, He was crucified.
He shed His precious blood for us.
For our sins, He bled and died.

They placed Him in a sepulcher.
They sealed it with a stone that day.
When Mary Magdalene
came to the tomb,
The huge stone had been rolled away.

Off she ran to get Peter and John.
They all ran faster and faster.
In the tomb was Jesus' grave clothes,
But they could not find their Master.

Hallelujah! Behold the empty tomb!
Praise God! He arose from the dead!
John said he saw, and he believed.
Yes, Christ arose just like he said!

Angels in white apparel announced,
"He is risen! He is not here!"
What glorious and wonderful words
About our risen Savior so dear!

us that Jesus arose.
By faith, we believe that it's true.
All who accept Jesus as Savior
Will surely one day arise again too.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
John 20 : 8
 Then went in also that other disciple, which came first to the sepulchre, and he saw, and believed.