Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Let Me Now Be Thine

Let Me Now Be Thine

When all the wax is stripped away
The varnish, what we do and say
Do others see just what they should,
The One for us Who shed His blood?
Or do they see our plans, our goals
Our dreams, ambitions that we hold?
They should not see us when they gaze
But rather He of Endless Days

O child of God, can, in your face,
The ones around you, Jesus trace?
Can they within your eyes behold
The Master’s gentleness untold?
Do you, when going on your way
Share Jesus’ truth with what you say?
They plain should see our lives confess
Our Jesus and His righteousness

Lay bare your Life, let Christ there reign
Let not another entrance
For by His rule He will impart
A grace and pow’r within your heart
‘Twill give you guidance for your race,
O Lord, my heart will Thee embrace!
O let me now be Thine, all Thine:
My heart, my soul, my strength, my mind!

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
 Please pray for a completely recovery for Judy Howard , Irene Patton , Mary Phillips