Friday, January 16, 2015

The "Must" Factor

The "Must" Factor

Sometimes we use some words
That are not pleasant to hear.
Words like "work" or "toil,"
We may not hold so very dear.

Then we have decisive words.
We use "must" instead of "should,"
Or we use the little word "will"
Instead of the bigger word "would."

We can call it the "must" factor
When decisiveness is at stake.
We sometimes use the word "must"
When some point we want to make.

Jesus used the word "must"
In His ministry down here below.
When you read the four Gospels,
This fact you will also know.

"I must abide at your house."
Jesus had Zacchaeus in sight.
"Ye must be born again,"
Jesus told Nicodemus one night.

Jesus came to die for us,
For God sent His only Son.
He is the way we must be saved.
His way is the only one.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !

Acts 4: 12   Neither is there salvation in any other ; for there is none other name under Heaven given among men ; where by we must we must be saved .“