Monday, August 25, 2014

Storing God's Word

Storing God's Word

A Christian heart and mind that
is bible fed,
Can lead souls that are in need
of being lead.
With bible in hand or stored in
the brain,
Spiritual seeds grow as with a
summer rain.

As God's message enters Satan's
Then perhaps it will be another
success story.
When an old life becomes a new
life within,
As Jesus lifts a lost soul from
a sea of sin.

Angels rejoice as a name is put
on heaven's roll,
Hoping to add more will be the
workers goal.
With more added here then fewer
will be in hell,
Rescued from a sinful grasp of
Satan's spell.

In learning God's Word, there's
little doubt,
The more we put in, the more we
will get out.
The more we get out, greater is
our opportunity,
To take souls with us whenever
we enter eternity.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !