Monday, July 28, 2014

Satan's Minions

Satan's Minions

The enemy's always attempting to render
Each upright, faithful Christian defender
Powerless; useless; unable to show
Sinners and seekers the Way to go.

He uses those in his bonded employ
To divert, to bait, to trip and annoy;
To keep us busy so that we can't
Sow good seeds when it's time to plant.

Their lips are full of lies and deceit;
They set their traps for the righteous; the meek -
Lying in wait to steal and destroy
Our lives, our faith, our peace and our joy.

Slander and malice are tools in their hands;
Weapons they wield against those in the land
Who are quietly doing what God told them to do -
Who yield to God with hearts strong and true.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Blind Leading...
If a blind man leads a blind man,
they will both fall into a pit.
~Jesus Christ ~

Be careful who you follow.