Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How Can I Be Happy

How Can I Be Happy

Do I need a big black car
To make me feel content?
Do I need that diamond ring
Would that be money well spent?

Do I need a house on a hill
To bring joy to my life?
Do I need that perfect pet
Will that quench this world's strife?

What is it that makes me happy?
What puts a smile on my face?
What gets me out of bed each day?
Sadness you ask, not a trace!

My life is not my own anymore
Joy grew as I gave up reigns
As Holy Spirit guides my steps
From anger and hate I refrain

I dropped the pain and resentment
It's in my heart He lives
Real bliss comes from inside of me
And all my sins he forgives
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
 I pray that you will make a decision today to sow seeds of love, patience, and truth. My friend, you will reap what you sow—there is no escaping this eternal principle. People need you to make an eternal difference in their lives. Take the time to plant seeds of righteousness, and you will reap a harvest of eternal rewards.