Monday, June 23, 2014

How Can I Be Happy

How Can I Be Happy

Do I need a big black car
To make me feel content?
Do I need that diamond ring
Would that be money well spent?

Do I need a house on a hill
To bring joy to my life?
Do I need that perfect pet
Will that quench this world's strife?

What is it that makes me happy?
What puts a smile on my face?
What gets me out of bed each day?
Sadness you ask, not a trace!

My life is not my own anymore
Joy grew as I gave up reigns
As Holy Spirit guides my steps
From anger and hate I refrain

I dropped the pain and resentment
It's in my heart He lives
Real bliss comes from inside of me
And all my sins he forgives
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !